Saturday 17 September 2016

Dublin Mayors - Coats of Arms - Heraldry, Oak Room, Mansion House

On 16 September for Cultural Night a visit was made to the Mansion House, where a treasure trove awaits the visitor to the 'famous oak room' where the coats of arms of Mayors dating back to the 1800s are displayed. Thanks to the Mansion House permission to take photographs was granted. For those who do not have the opportunity to view these arms they are given here.

The Mansion House was built by Joshua Dawson and is of the Queen Anne style architecture. In 2015, the tercentenary of the building was celebrated. On the half landing on the main staircase is a stained-glass window made around 1890 by Dublin firm of Joshua Clarke & Sons in anticipation of Home Rule. The Lord Mayor's Coat of arms is in the centre of the window surround by names of influential Dubliners namely Goldsmith, Burke, Barry and Foley.  

The oak room was built in 1715 as part of the purchase agreement so the Lord Mayor would have a room a big enough to host civic events. It is panelled in oak and the portraits on display of John Foster, Lord mayor Richard Manders and Charles Stewart Parnell relate to the passage of the Act of Union in 1800. The chandeliers are Waterford crystal. The Lord Mayor's Coats of Arms are displayed on the walls dating back to Daniel O'Connell in 1841.

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