Saturday, 21 December 2024

Where in the County 2024

 1st Prize

A trip to Santa's Grotto at Stabannon, the centre of Co Louth.

2nd Prize

A trip to Armagh to view the Sam Maguire.

3rd Prize

Any ideas for the 3rd prize?

Link to previous Where in the County

{Click on the images for a larger viewing version}

Cruicetown Cross, Co. Meath.

Where in the County 1 - Monasterboice.

Where in the County 2 - St John's Church of Ireland, Louth Village.

Where in the County 3 - An older building beside St Mary's Church, Ravensdale.

Where in the County 4 - Murals in Dundalk - Rohesia de Verdon, Setanta.

Where in the County 5 - Outhouse at Castlebellingham.

Where in the County 6 - Foundation Stone and old stone from the medieval church at Ballybarrack, that was transferred to Blackrock on 31st August 1919, now part of St Oliver Plunkett Church.

Where in the County 7 Church of the Nativity at Ardee that celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2024, the tapestry was from Navan Carpets. The stained glass windows were transferred from the old St Mary's Church.

Where in the County 8 - Faughart and stained-glass window of St Brigid from St Fursey's Church, Haggardstown.

Where in the County 9 - The chapel at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda.

Where in the County 10 - Dundalk Masonic Hall

Where in the County 11 - Collon, Cistercian Monastery.

Where in the County 12 Mayne medieval church and graveyard near Clogherhead.

Where in the County 13 Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Castlebellingham, likely located in the alcove by Sir Henry Bellingham who was President of this Society when he died in 1921.

Where in the County 14 - Aiken Barracks Dundalk

Where in the County 15 - Heynetown Castle and the four pinnacles from the nearby St Paul's Church.

Where in the County 16 - Ardee Foresters Banner.

Where in the County 17 - Plunkett coat of arms from Louth Hall, relocated to the Ardee Road, Tallanstown. 

Where in the County 18. Dromin House and an inscription from a Mass Rock at Kearneystown.

Where in the County 19. (Courtesy of Tom Conachy) - Dundalk Gaol.

Where in the County 20 - Glaspistol Castle and the sixteenth century Dowdall coat of arms.

Where in the County 21 Stained Glass Window from the Mercy Convent in Drogheda.

Where in the County 22. St Mary's Abbey and St Mochta's House, Louth Village.

Where in the County 23 - St Nicholas's Church, Dundalk (R.C.).

Where in the County 24 - Ballymakenny Church built by Primate Richard Robinson.

Where in the County 25 - Gate overlooking Dundalk.


  1. Brilliant photos. Places you see nearly every day but don’t realise their beauty.

  2. Number 25 is overlooking Greenore and Grange, not Dundalk.
